A beginner climbing gym progression program should focus on building strength, endurance, and technique. Here’s a basic four-week program for someone new to climbing. Remember to start slowly and listen to your body to avoid overtraining or injury.

Day 1:

  1. Warm-up: 10-15 minutes of light cardio (jogging, jumping jacks).
  2. Climbing technique drills: Focus on foot placement, weight distribution, and body positioning.
  3. Bouldering: 30 minutes of easy problems, focusing on good technique.
  4. Strength training: 20 minutes of bodyweight exercises (push-ups, pull-ups, core exercises).
  5. Cool down and stretching.

Day 2:

  1. Warm-up.
  2. Top-rope climbing: 20 minutes on easy routes focusing on smooth and controlled movements.
  3. Endurance training: 15 minutes of traversing or climbing laps on easier routes.
  4. Core and stability exercises: Planks, leg raises, etc.
  5. Cool down and stretching.

Day 3:
Rest or light cardio (walking, cycling).

Day 4:
Repeat Day 1.

Day 5:
Repeat Day 2.

Day 6:
Rest or light cardio.

Day 7:
Rest or light activity.

Day 1:

  1. Warm-up.
  2. Climbing technique drills: Add complexity and difficulty to footwork and body positioning.
  3. Bouldering: 40 minutes on a mix of easy and slightly challenging problems.
  4. Strength training: Increase intensity or add new exercises.
  5. Cool down and stretching.

Day 2:

  1. Warm-up.
  2. Top-rope climbing: Increase difficulty and try some more challenging routes.
  3. Endurance training: 20 minutes of traversing or climbing laps on moderate routes.
  4. Core and stability exercises: Add intensity or new exercises.
  5. Cool down and stretching.

Day 3:
Rest or light cardio.

Day 4:
Repeat Day 1.

Day 5:
Repeat Day 2.

Day 6:
Rest or light cardio.

Day 7:
Rest or light activity.

After completing this four-week program, you can reassess your goals and adjust the intensity and duration of your sessions accordingly. Always remember to listen to your body, stay hydrated, and take rest days when needed. As you progress, consider seeking guidance from experienced climbers or instructors to refine your technique and training plan.